Getting in the Christmas spirit has been a little difficult for me this season. I am not sure whether it is the fact that I have so much stuff in my house that I can't bear of thinking of cramming one more thing in, or, the simple fact that I am just happy with what I have.
We did get the Christmas tree up last night with the help of Henry and Julia. It was a nice evening, listening to Willie's Pretty Paper and watching Henry pile up about 10 ornaments on one single branch. Our house looks in the spirit and I just might get there sooner or later.
Julia is a smiling little lady as always. She is well on her way to sitting up and putting everything in her mouth from dinner plates to Henry's hair. I am banking that she will be crawling by 8 months if not sooner. She is such a sweet little thing. Every morning when I go to get her out of her crib, she is giggling and pumping her legs up and down, so excited to be held and loved on. It is my favorite time of day.
We had a nice Thanksgiving spent in Grand Island with my parents and Grandpa Jensen. Dad had to have chemo that weekend so he really didn't make his appearance until we left. He has a couple new little lesions on his liver and hopes to have the RFA (Radio Frequency Ablation) done on his liver really soon. He has also switched up to a new chemo, is now bald (courtesy of Damon) and does NOT like the new chemo. He is still in good spirits and still working as well. He is blessed, as are we, that he is still doing really great two years into his diagnosis.
Over Thanksgiving weekend, we decided to take the final plunge and start potty training with Henry. He is 2.5 years old now and is actually doing really good with it He has the pee part down but he can't figure out the other end really. Any suggestions would be helpful. He has a funny little poop dance that he does when he needs to go but when it comes time he screams and says he can't go. I don't enjoy the poop dance. It is not an exciting time of the day. Very frustrating.
Julia is a smiling little lady as always. She is well on her way to sitting up and putting everything in her mouth from dinner plates to Henry's hair. I am banking that she will be crawling by 8 months if not sooner. She is such a sweet little thing. Every morning when I go to get her out of her crib, she is giggling and pumping her legs up and down, so excited to be held and loved on. It is my favorite time of day.
3 tidbits of your thoughts:
How do you feel about rewards? We found one skittle for pee and two skittles for poo worked really well. I think it was because she'd never had skittles before and they were a new, special treat.
Julia, what a beautiful, little happy
angel you are! Papa and Grandma are witness to your awesome personality.
Henry I heard you pooped 4 times in the big boy potty today! Way to go! I told you "you can do it!" So proud of you and the sweet little guy you are with your pleases and thank you's, and the ever so quiet "I love you".
We love you both so much and can't wait for Santa to come. Mommy and Daddy are so blessed to have you
Good Night!
Hey, girl! Haven't cruised your blog for a while - been sorta 'bizzy'. As for pooping, did you ever read or buy the book "Everything Poops" for Henry? Great little book that explains to kids (and shows them other poop-related things) that every animal and person poops. Helps them get the idea that it's a natural thing and all and a part of their body isn't falling off.
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