Tuesday, August 24, 2010

We've got a walker!

About a week ago little Miss Macrae decided that she wanted to get with it and start walking. Eh...14.5 months old, whatever. She is a pro now. Has more shoes than Henry has ever had. Seriously, girl shoes?! To die for! Julia is a little smarty pants. She nods her head when she agrees with you and shakes it when she doesn't. Understands putting things away and how to throw things away too. She loves to take her diaper off. It's even more fun when she is in her crib with a little surprise for Mommy after nap time. Yuck. She tugs around her blankie with her almost everywhere she walks. If she drops it and finds it later, she sticks her nose right into it and sniffs up the cuddles with it. I am in a constant state of shock when I take a look at her most days. 1) is that she looks just like me. 2)really, she is 15 months old today?! I saw a three day old baby today at Target and compared my little Julia. Well, she isn't such a baby anymore and that makes me sad. I love her to pieces and she will always be my baby. Even if there is another one in the future. NO...now don't be getting any ideas. I struggle enough to be nice to the two that I have.

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