Thursday, April 16, 2009

Yup, we're doin' it.

Potty Training that is. I just purchased an e-book from the "queen of potty training" for 24.00. It is called Supposedly this method will have Henry peeing and pooping in the big boy toilet by Sunday. Stay tuned to how this will turn out. I will not be going anywhere this weekend. Sorry Stace. Potty training prevails. Off to Target to purchase 20-30 pairs of underwear, some flushable wipes, and some high fiber snacks. Anyone in need of some size 4 diapers? They will be curbside if you are interested.

2 tidbits of your thoughts:

Anna said...

If they're pampers - I call dibs on the diapers! Elliot is no where near potty training time yet.

Anna said...

Update? I've been thinking about this all weekend (and secretly wishing I were doing it too, but I digress). Did it work? Is he going on the potty?