Thursday, March 12, 2009


Before my flop of a craft fair in Wayne, NE, I slaved away making several (okay, 30) new key chains to add to my collection of goods to sell. I think I maybe sold 3 in Wayne? Yeah, horrible place for business. While I am sitting here waiting and waiting for Etsy to get their shit together so I can upload a flippin' picture, I thought I would share some with you. I think they are simply wonderful and very handy in finding your keys. I will sell them some day even if it isn't on Etsy.

You likey? Only 6.50 at your local Bright house or on Etsy someday.

3 tidbits of your thoughts:

Christy said...

These are great! Can I trade you something for them? I'm in the process of clearing out my shop so there isn't much in there but I have lots of goodies.

Anna said...

I love these - I've seen Stace's and have pined over it for a while. Maybe I'll buy one for myself next month.

Stacey said...

Take it from one satisfied customer - these are great!