Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Happy 1st Birthday Grahambo!!

Happy Birthday to my little Graham.  One year ago I was sitting in a hospital bed admiring the tiny little bundle all swaddled up tight in my arms.  Giving birth gives you a rockstar attitude and I was floating high.  Even getting home from the hospital, life was good, not nearly as crazy as I thought it would be.  The big kids did their thing and all was well.  Fast forward to July and that swaddled sweet baby turned screamy baby.  

Mom's rockstar attitude started to dissipate. 

And screamy baby kept that screaming up for what seemed like forever and ever.  Screamy baby got swaddled up and put back to bed, jostled around in a crazy space pod baby swing, wrapped in a fuzzy snowsuit thing for bed, and whatever else seemed to soothe the crying for even a moment.  Screamy baby went through 4 babysitters and eventually won out with Mom staying home to be the constant caregiver. 

The screaming has stopped and through all this crap that we went through to get to age 1, there are so many things I have learned about myself and Graham.  Number one, he loves his mama.  The way that he nuzzles his shy guy head into my shoulder can't be beat.  He doesn't like to cuddle but those shoulder nuzzles are so cozy.  Sometimes a mothers love is all that a kid needs.  He loves his constants.  Henry, Julia, Erin and Me.  He loves his blanket and being prepped for bed with a bath and zipped up in his sleepsack.  He has taught me how to be routine again and that it is very important for a child to be in a secure, safe and loving environment.  

Things Graham loves: (well besides me)
Graham Crackers (imagine that)
Squeezy pouch baby foods
Being Outside
Red Car rides

Things he says:
Buh (bird)
Duh (Dog)
Graham Cracker (sounds like gack-acka)

Little Graham, you may have not shown many other people love over the last year but you have shown me and your Dad an enormous amount of love and we are so happy to have you as our third little love child.  You will grow into a very sensitive and caring soul no doubt.  You will be shy and we will embrace it.  You will be more tenderhearted and probably have your feelings hurt but we will be more sensitive to you.  You will be loved and cared for more than you will ever understand.  Being a parent to you has just been the best.  Love you little B.  Happy Birthday.

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